Homo immortalis
t Homo immortalis (it takes a long time for a man to look like his portrait)
y 2011
m plaster of paris, carrara marble
d 12x6x4cm each (x9)
Homo immortalis (it takes a long time for a man to look like his portrait) was first exibited in I Fought the X and the X won at Muzeul de Arta, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Echoing the musical tradition, the work uses souvenir-like busts of discredited men of power. The busts of Hussein, Amin, Ceaucescu, Aleman, Suharto, Milosevic, Gheddafi, Ben Ali and Marcos were shrouded and cast in cheap fragile material.
Dictators dream of immortality and monumentality. In times of revolution, these monuments and symbols of the regime’s authority are generally the first target of the revolutionaries.